– 單字篇 1. Staycation (n.) Stay + vacation 的縮寫 (在自己的家中或城市度假或旅行)
舉例:This year, I’m having a staycation and discovering hidden gems in my own city.
2. Bleisure: Business + leisure (在商務旅行中加一些自己的休閒旅遊)
舉例:I have a conference in Paris next week, so I’m planning some bleisure time to explore the city.
3. Couchsurfing:沙發衝浪(在莫人當地人家中借住幾晚,通常會在網路上認識)
舉例:I’ve been couchsurfing throughout Europe, and it’s been an amazing experience.
– 俚語篇
1. Off the beaten path – 人煙稀少的景點
舉例:Instead of going to the typical tourist spots, we decided to go off the beaten path and explore the local neighborhoods.
2. Catch the red-eye 搭夜間航班
舉例:We decided to catch the red-eye to save on accommodation costs
3. Jet-set 常常到處旅行、環遊世界的人
舉例:She’s part of the jet set, always flying to different countries for work and leisure.
4. Off-grid 到一些比較偏遠、設備不齊全的地方
舉例:We spent a week off-grid in the mountains, completely disconnected from technology.
red-eye 不是眼睛過敏?居然跟旅遊相關!
– 單字篇
1. Staycation (n.) Stay + vacation 的縮寫 (在自己的家中或城市度假或旅行)
舉例:This year, I’m having a staycation and discovering hidden gems in my own city.
2. Bleisure: Business + leisure (在商務旅行中加一些自己的休閒旅遊)
舉例:I have a conference in Paris next week, so I’m planning some bleisure time to explore the city.
3. Couchsurfing:沙發衝浪(
舉例:I’ve been couchsurfing throughout Europe, and it’s been an amazing experience.
– 俚語篇
1. Off the beaten path – 人煙稀少的景點
舉例:Instead of going to the typical tourist spots, we decided to go off the beaten path and explore the local neighborhoods.
2. Catch the red-eye 搭夜間航班
舉例:We decided to catch the red-eye to save on accommodation costs
3. Jet-set 常常到處旅行、環遊世界的人
舉例:She’s part of the jet set, always flying to different countries for work and leisure.
4. Off-grid 到一些比較偏遠、設備不齊全的地方
舉例:We spent a week off-grid in the mountains, completely disconnected from technology.
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