Chat GPT 流行一陣子了,有許多學生因為掌握了AI使用秘訣,參加我們的課程後,讓英文學習事半功倍! 今天我們要跟大家分享5個步驟,讓AI成為你第二重要的英文學習夥伴!(第一重要是Amie RoadXD) Step 1: Set Your Learning Goals 制定學習目標 明確告知Chat GPT 你的學習目標 例如:”I want to practice business English conversations.” 或 “I need help with my grammar.” Step 2: Ask Clear and Specific Questions 詢問清楚又明確的問題 如果問題不清楚,可能會讓AI誤解 常見問題如:”Can you explain how to use present perfect tense with examples?” 或 “Help me practice introducing myself for a job interview.” Step 3: Practice Conversations Regularly 規律練習會話 俗話說: “Practice makes perfect!”,一定要定期練習才會有效果 範例: “Let’s practice a conversation about booking a hotel room.” Step 4: Request Feedback on Writing 請求給予寫作建議 生活中任何需要寫作的地方,像是「書信」、「履歷」、甚至簡單的一個句子,都可以請AI協助你批改,才能從錯誤中學習喔! 範例:”Can you check my grammar in this sentence: ‘I have went to the market’?” Step 5: Create a study plan 制定讀書計畫 AI真的是每個人最好的助理,只要告知你的作息、目標,就可以與他溝通,一起建立適合自己的讀書計畫!(但一定要好好遵守呀!) 範例: “Can you create a weekly plan for me to practice English writing?” _______________ 那要怎麼精準下指令呢? 我們幫大家準備了十個主題的句子,讓大家可以好好跟Chat GPT 合作無間! 1. 比較與對比 (Comparison and Contrast) “What are the differences between _____ and ___?” 「___ 和 _____ 有什麼區別?」 “Can you explain the difference between ‘since’ and ‘for’?”「你可以解釋 ‘since’ 和 ‘for’ 之間的區別嗎?」 “How is British English different from American English?”「英式英文和美式英文有什麼不同?」 2. 解釋與範例 (Explanation and Examples) “Can you explain how to use the word _____ in a sentence?”「你可以解釋如何在句子中使用 _____ 這個單字嗎?」 “What does the phrase ____ mean?” 「____這個片語是什麼意思?」 “Can you give me examples of how to use _____ in different contexts?”「你能給我幾個例子,展示如何在不同語境中使用 _____ 嗎?」 3. 文法與結構 (Grammar and Structure) “What are some common mistakes with the present perfect tense?”「現在完成式有哪些常見的錯誤?」 “How do I know when to use ‘a’ or ‘the’ in a sentence?”「我怎麼知道在句子中何時使用 ‘a’ 或 ‘the’?」 “Can you explain the difference between active and passive voice?”「你可以解釋主動語態和被動語態的區別嗎?」 4. 詞彙學習 (Vocabulary Building) “Can you list some synonyms for the word ‘important’?”「你可以列出 ‘important’ 這個詞的同義詞嗎?」 “What are some common idioms related to ‘time’?”「有哪些與 ‘時間’ 有關的常用成語或片語?」 “Can you give me five new vocabulary words related to business English?”「你可以給我五個與商業英文有關的新詞彙嗎?」 5. 句子和寫作 (Sentences and Writing) “Can you correct this sentence for me: ‘I has went to the park yesterday’?”「你能幫我改這句話嗎:’I has went to the park yesterday’?」 “How can I make this paragraph more formal?”「我怎麼能讓這段話更正式?」 “Can you help me write an email asking for information?”「你可以幫我寫一封詢問資訊的電子郵件嗎?」 6. 口說練習 (Speaking Practice) “Can we have a conversation about _____? (e.g., travel, hobbies, work)”「我們可以來一段關於 _____ 的對話嗎?(例如:旅遊、愛好、工作)」 “I need help practicing for a job interview. Can you ask me common questions?”「我需要幫助練習求職面試,你可以問我一些常見的問題嗎?」 “How would you introduce yourself at a networking event?”「你會如何在聯誼活動上介紹自己?」 7. 發音與聽力 (Pronunciation and Listening) “How do you pronounce the word ___? 「___這個字怎麼發音?」 “Can you explain the difference in pronunciation between ‘live’ and ‘leave’?”「你可以解釋 ‘live’ 和 ‘leave’ 的發音區別嗎?」 “Can you give me tips on improving my English pronunciation?”「你可以給我一些提高英文發音的建議嗎?」 8. 文化與習慣 (Culture and Customs) “What are some common English greetings used in emails?”「有哪些常用的英文電子郵件問候語?」 “Can you explain what people usually say when they make a toast?”「你可以解釋一下人們在乾杯時通常會說什麼嗎?」 “What are some polite ways to decline an invitation?”「有哪些禮貌拒絕邀請的方式?」 9. 學習計劃 (Learning Plans) “Can you create a 30-day English learning plan for me?”「你可以幫我制定一個 30 天的英文學習計劃嗎?」 “What’s the best way to balance grammar and speaking practice?”「如何在文法和口說練習之間取得平衡?」 “How can I improve my English quickly for an upcoming trip?”「我該如何快速提高英文以準備即將到來的旅行?」 10. 出題 (Quiz Creation) “Can you create a vocabulary quiz for me?”「你可以幫我設計一個詞彙測驗嗎?」 “Give me a grammar test on the past tense.”「幫我設計一個關於過去式的文法測驗。」 “Can you create reading comprehension questions based on this text?”「你可以根據這段文字出幾個閱讀理解問題嗎?」 學會了嗎?如果你在英文學習路上始終找不到方法,歡迎加入艾米路的行列, 讓你的英文從此不再迷路唷!立即加Line詢問~
精準下指令,讓Chat GPT 成為你的英文學習助理
Chat GPT 流行一陣子了,有許多學生因為掌握了AI使用秘訣,參加我們的課程後,讓英文學習事半功倍!
今天我們要跟大家分享5個步驟,讓AI成為你第二重要的英文學習夥伴!(第一重要是Amie RoadXD)
Step 1: Set Your Learning Goals 制定學習目標
明確告知Chat GPT 你的學習目標
例如:”I want to practice business English conversations.” 或 “I need help with my grammar.”
Step 2: Ask Clear and Specific Questions 詢問清楚又明確的問題
常見問題如:”Can you explain how to use present perfect tense with examples?” 或 “Help me practice introducing myself for a job interview.”
Step 3: Practice Conversations Regularly 規律練習會話
俗話說: “Practice makes perfect!”,一定要定期練習才會有效果
範例: “Let’s practice a conversation about booking a hotel room.”
Step 4: Request Feedback on Writing 請求給予寫作建議
範例:”Can you check my grammar in this sentence: ‘I have went to the market’?”
Step 5: Create a study plan 制定讀書計畫
範例: “Can you create a weekly plan for me to practice English writing?”
我們幫大家準備了十個主題的句子,讓大家可以好好跟Chat GPT 合作無間!
1. 比較與對比 (Comparison and Contrast)
「___ 和 _____ 有什麼區別?」
2. 解釋與範例 (Explanation and Examples)
3. 文法與結構 (Grammar and Structure)
4. 詞彙學習 (Vocabulary Building)
5. 句子和寫作 (Sentences and Writing)
6. 口說練習 (Speaking Practice)
7. 發音與聽力 (Pronunciation and Listening)
8. 文化與習慣 (Culture and Customs)
9. 學習計劃 (Learning Plans)
10. 出題 (Quiz Creation)
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