ride or die 有點像是 ”ride till the end, or die trying” 的感覺~
現代字典是這麼翻譯的 “when you are willing to do anything for someone you love or someone you really appreciate in your life. the person who you stand by in any problem”
所以我會把它翻成,願意「為你赴湯蹈火」,「為你摘星星」的人,都可以稱作 ride or die!
而玩命關頭的 ride or die 也翻成生死之交!
那今天Amie 還要加碼其他跟 ride 常搭配的用法給大家!
1. A rough ride -> 劍橋字典的解釋:”A difficult time” 一段艱難的時間
e.g. I’ve been in a rough ride recently. 我最近經歷了一段艱難的時間
2. ride on somebody/something -> 劍橋字典的解釋: ‘When something important such as your reputation, rides on a particular person or thing, it will be won or achieved if that person or thing is successful. 依靠、指望
e.g. The future of the company now rides on the new managing director.
3. be riding for a fall -> 劍橋字典的解釋:”behave in a way that is likely to lead you into trouble” 自討苦吃、自找麻煩
e.g. She spends far more than she earns and she’s riding for a fall.
Amie … 這是什麼意思…
於是我決定來跟大家分享 ride or die 這個俚語!
每個字都看得懂 合再一起就看不懂了…
ride or die 有點像是 ”ride till the end, or die trying” 的感覺~
現代字典是這麼翻譯的 “when you are willing to do anything for someone you love or someone you really appreciate in your life. the person who you stand by in any problem”
所以我會把它翻成,願意「為你赴湯蹈火」,「為你摘星星」的人,都可以稱作 ride or die!
而玩命關頭的 ride or die 也翻成生死之交!
那今天Amie 還要加碼其他跟 ride 常搭配的用法給大家!
1. A rough ride -> 劍橋字典的解釋:”A difficult time” 一段艱難的時間
e.g. I’ve been in a rough ride recently. 我最近經歷了一段艱難的時間
2. ride on somebody/something -> 劍橋字典的解釋: ‘When something important such as your reputation, rides on a particular person or thing, it will be won or achieved if that person or thing is successful. 依靠、指望
e.g. The future of the company now rides on the new managing director.
3. be riding for a fall -> 劍橋字典的解釋:”behave in a way that is likely to lead you into trouble” 自討苦吃、自找麻煩
e.g. She spends far more than she earns and she’s riding for a fall.
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