Dear all 2024年11月24晚上,台灣棒球創造了歷史性的一刻 — 是繼1992年巴塞隆納奧運後,睽違32年在頂級國際賽事中戰勝日本,並奪下世界首座冠軍,為台灣棒球寫下新頁。 今天讓我們一起學學那些有關棒球的英文詞彙及俚語吧! – 棒球的基本詞彙 (Baseball Vocabulary) Pitcher (n.) 投手 Example: The pitcher threw a perfect fastball. (投手投出了一顆完美的快速球。) Catcher (n.) 捕手 Example: The catcher signaled for a curveball. (捕手打了彎曲球的手勢。) Batter (n.) 打擊者 Example: The batter hit a home run in the last inning. (打擊者在最後一局擊出了一支全壘打。) Home run (n.) 全壘打 Example: That home run brought in three runs. (那支全壘打為球隊帶來了三分。) Strikeout (n.) 三振出局 Example: The pitcher had ten strikeouts in the game. (投手在比賽中完成了十次三振出局。) Base (n.) 壘包 Example: He slid into third base just in time. (他正好及時滑進三壘。) Inning (n.) 局 Example: The game went into extra innings. (比賽進入了延長賽。) Dugout (n.) 休息區 Example: The players in the dugout cheered loudly. (休息區的球員們大聲歡呼。) – 棒球表達與生活應用 (Baseball Idioms and Phrases) “Hit it out of the park” – 做得非常成功或表現出色。 Example: You really hit it out of the park with that presentation! (你那場簡報真的太出色了!) “Step up to the plate” – 勇敢接受挑戰或責任。 Example: It’s time for you to step up to the plate and take on more responsibility. (是時候站出來承擔更多責任了。) “Throw a curveball” – 出奇招或讓人意想不到的事情。 Example: The sudden change in plans really threw me a curveball. (計畫的突然改變讓我措手不及。) “Touch base” – 簡單聯繫或更新情況。 Example: Let’s touch base next week to discuss the project. (我們下週聯繫一下,討論這個項目。) Play hardball” – 採取強硬手段或態度。 Example: The company decided to play hardball during the negotiations. (公司在談判中採取了強硬態度。) “Throw someone a fastball” – 用快速、直接的方式處理問題或給出資訊。 Example: During the interview, they threw me a fastball with that question. (面試時他們問了我一個非常直白的問題。) – 看棒球比賽時如何用英語加油 “Let’s go, team!” (加油,球隊!) “You can do it!” (你一定可以的!) “Home run! Woohoo!” (全壘打!耶!) “Strike him out!” (把他三振出局!) “Nice play!” (好球!) 以上,學會了嗎?快點分享給熱愛棒球的朋友們吧~ 你是否在尋找一個可以讓自己持續學習英文的環境? 歡迎加入Amie Road — 我們是一個旨在協助同學「活出理想生活」的英文學習及自我成長平台 立即加Line詢問吧:)
Dear all
— 是繼1992年巴塞隆納奧運後,睽違32年在頂級國際賽事中戰勝日本,並奪下世界首座冠軍,為台灣棒球寫下新頁。
– 棒球的基本詞彙 (Baseball Vocabulary)
Example: The pitcher threw a perfect fastball.
Example: The catcher signaled for a curveball.
Example: The batter hit a home run in the last inning.
Example: That home run brought in three runs.
Example: The pitcher had ten strikeouts in the game.
Example: He slid into third base just in time.
Example: The game went into extra innings.
Example: The players in the dugout cheered loudly.
– 棒球表達與生活應用 (Baseball Idioms and Phrases)
Example: You really hit it out of the park with that presentation!
Example: It’s time for you to step up to the plate and take on more responsibility.
Example: The sudden change in plans really threw me a curveball.
Example: Let’s touch base next week to discuss the project.
Example: The company decided to play hardball during the negotiations.
Example: During the interview, they threw me a fastball with that question.
– 看棒球比賽時如何用英語加油
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