最近好多Amieroaders跟我們分享轉職過程或是正在煩惱於職涯規劃, 希望Amie能多分享英文面試或者英文履歷撰寫上的技巧以及常見用法。 大家的需求我們都聽到囉~ 今天來教大家如何在履歷上精準描述自己的技能和專業能力、強調團隊合作和溝通能力、自我推銷和展示動機,最後還有強調問題解決能力的超級實用句型。 希望這些小撇步能減少大家對於履歷撰寫的疑慮,讓你能更專心地展現自己的成就, 近期沒有求職需求的朋友也歡迎先準備起來,定期檢視、修改自己的履歷準沒錯! 描述技能和專業能力: 1. Proficient in [技能/工具/技術]. 例句:He is proficient in Microsoft Excel. 他精通微軟 Excel。 2. Skilled at [具體任務/責任]. 例句:She isskilled at project management. 她擅長專案管理。 3. Demonstrated expertise in [領域/主題]. 例句:The engineer demonstrated expertise inmechanical engineering. 該工程師在機械工程方面展示了專業知識。 強調團隊合作和溝通能力: 1.Collaborated effectively with [部門/人] to achieve [目標/目的]. 例句:I collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams to achieve our sales target. 我有效率的跨部門團隊合作,以達成我們的銷售目標。 強調自我推銷和動機: 1. Passionate about [行業/領域] and committed to continuous learning and improvement. 例句:I ampassionate aboutsustainable energy and committed to continuous learning and improvement in this field. 我對可持續能源充滿熱情,並致力於在這個領域不斷學習和改進。 2. Driven by a desire to [具體目標/目標]. 例句:I am driven by a desire to innovate and create impactful solutions for environmental sustainability. 我被創新和為環境可持續性創造有影響力的解決方案的渴望所驅使。 3. Proactively seek opportunities to [action verb] and [action verb]. 例句:I proactively seek opportunities to collaborate with experts and contribute to meaningful projects. 我積極尋求與專家合作和為有意義的專案做出貢獻。 強調問題解決能力: 1.Identified and resolved [具體問題/挑戰] resulting in [正面成果]. 例句:I identified and resolved a critical software bug, resulting in a significant increase in system stability. 我辨識並解決了一個重要的軟體漏洞,導致系統穩定性顯著提高。 2. Developed innovative solutions to address [問題]. 例句:I developed innovative solutions to address the company’s productivity issues, resulting in streamlined processes and increased efficiency. 我開發了創新的解決方案來解決公司的生產力問題,從而實現了流程優化和效率提升。 3. Adapted quickly to changing circumstances and effectively resolved [挑戰/障礙]. 例句:Iadapted quickly to changingmarket trends and effectively resolvedsupply chain disruptions, ensuring timely product delivery. 我迅速適應了不斷變化的市場趨勢,並有效解決了供應鏈中的中斷,確保及時交付產品。 如果你一直找不到英文學習的方法,歡迎逛逛我們的 Instagram或是填寫表單預約跟Amie的無壓力通話諮詢!
最近好多Amieroaders跟我們分享轉職過程或是正在煩惱 於職涯規劃,
今天來教大家如何在履歷上精準描述自己的技能和專業能力、強調團 隊合作和溝通能力、自我推銷和展示動機,最後還有強調問題解決能 力的超級實用句型。
1. Proficient in [技能/工具/技術].
例句:He is proficient in Microsoft Excel. 他精通微軟 Excel。
2. Skilled at [具體任務/責任].
例句:She isskilled at project management. 她擅長專案管理。
3. Demonstrated expertise in [領域/主題].
例句:The engineer demonstrated expertise inmechanical engineering. 該工程師在機械工程方面展示了專業知識。
1.Collaborated effectively with [部門/人] to achieve [目標/目的].
例句:I collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams to achieve our sales target.
1. Passionate about [行業/領域] and committed to continuous learning and improvement.
例句:I ampassionate aboutsustainable energy and committed to continuous learning and improvement in this field.
2. Driven by a desire to [具體目標/目標].
例句:I am driven by a desire to innovate and create impactful solutions for environmental sustainability.
3. Proactively seek opportunities to [action verb] and [action verb].
例句:I proactively seek opportunities to collaborate with experts and contribute to meaningful projects.
1.Identified and resolved [具體問題/挑戰] resulting in [正面成果].
例句:I identified and resolved a critical software bug, resulting in a significant increase in system stability.
2. Developed innovative solutions to address [問題].
例句:I developed innovative solutions to address the company’s productivity issues, resulting in streamlined processes and increased efficiency.
我開發了創新的解決方案來解決公司的生產力問題, 從而實現了流程優化和效率提升。
3. Adapted quickly to changing circumstances and effectively resolved [挑戰/障礙].
例句:Iadapted quickly to changingmarket trends and effectively resolvedsupply chain disruptions, ensuring timely product delivery.
我迅速適應了不斷變化的市場趨勢,並有效解決了供應鏈中的中斷, 確保及時交付產品。
如果你一直找不到英文學習的方法,歡迎逛逛我們的 Instagram或是 填寫表單預約跟Amie的無壓力通話諮詢!
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